17 workshops
280 attendees
3 hours per workshop
840 hours devoted to sustainability
Rold Academy organised 17 workshops focusing on Agenda 2030, the SDGs and the sustainable development. Each Workshop focussed on one specific SDG.
We have identified 17 Ambassadors within Rold. Each Ambassador has been invited to join the initiative because of his/her activity in Rold.
The Ambassadors have planned, organised and delivered activities of their workshop, which was structured as follows:
21 attendees
40 hours per participant
840 hours for sustainable innovation
Together with Fondazione Politecnico, we have organized a training course entitled “innovative products and processes to contribute to the sustainability”. The ultimate goal of this training course is to provide our mechanical designers, software developers and R-Lab researchers with effective tools and methods for ideating new products and processes compliant with sustainability requirements.
The training course consists in 40 hours and deals with diverse topics such as: advanced materials, eco-design, LCA, Circular economy.
The training course has been co-funded by Regione Lombardia Formazione Continua Fase VI, POR FESR 2014-2020, company voucher ID 2931739, training course ID 22737.
2024 ® Copyright Elettrotecnica Rold Srl Società Unipersonale
Via della Merlata, 1 – 20014 Nerviano (MI) Italy
Tel.0331 438.011
Partita IVA: IT 04924270152 – Codice Fiscale:00581880036
Cap. Soc. € 1.560.000 int. vers. – R.E.A. N. 1062774 AA